nonnest2 0.5-8 (2024-08-28)
- add support for objects of DiscreteClass from mirt package (credit to Phil Chalmers)
- bug fix and improved check for object calls
nonnest2 0.5-7 (2024-05-06)
- internal change so that nonnest2 is more likely to work with new object classes
nonnest2 0.5-6 (2023-08-13)
- add initial functionality for OpenMx models (credit to Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal)
nonnest2 0.5-4 (2020-06-19)
- fix bugs for lavaan models with missing data, where some rows of the data matrix
were fully missing
nonnest2 0.5-3 (2020-03-14)
- simplify llcont() for mlogit models (credit to Yves Croissant)
- fix for AIC/BIC adjustments to test statistics (credit to Thomas Hielscher)
- handle sampling weights for mirt models, throw error for lavaan sampling weights
nonnest2 0.5-2 (2018-09-25)
- new vuongtest() arguments ll1, ll2, score1, score2, vc1, vc2 for
sending in custom functions that obtain casewise log-likelihood,
scores, and vcovs from fitted models
- add packages to Suggests, fix a failing test
nonnest2 0.5-1 (2018-01-22)
- llcont() for lavaan objects with fixed.x=TRUE is corrected
nonnest2 0.5 (2017-12-15)
- include llcont() method for mirt objects (credit to Lennart Schneider)
and find mirt's estfun.AllModelClass()
- lavaan changes: allow for inclusion of completely missing
cases and stop if missing = "listwise" or "pairwise"
- return error for lavaan models with fixed.x=TRUE (incorrect results)
- fix scaling issues in vcov associated with lm/glm/nls
nonnest2 0.4
- Update handling of missing data to conform to lavaan 0.5-21.
- Throw error in case lavaan model with robust SEs is sent in.
nonnest2 0.3 (2016-01-23)
- Added "Getting started" vignette.
- Changes to conform to lavaan 0.5-20's handling of equality constraints.
- Fixed issue where print methods sometimes wrapped over lines.
- Fixed bug in llcont() for lavaan cases missing all data except
one variable.
nonnest2 0.2 (2014-12-04)
- Added argument "nested" to vuongtest(), allowing the user
to specify whether or not candidate models are nested. This
impacts the limiting distribution of the Vuong LRT.
- Added argument "adj" to vuongtest(), allowing the user
to obtain test statistics with AIC or BIC adjustments.
- print methods no longer display the full call of each model
(just the first line).
- BIC intervals added for objects of class hurdle, zeroinfl,
mlogit (were missing because they didn't have an nobs method).